A Kahoot Quiz For ELT Students


How to Teach Using Kahoot!

With Kahoot!, teachers and students can create multiple-choice quizzes as well as polls and surveys. You can also incorporate questions that don't award points so that you can gather opinion data, or include a question with multiple correct answers without skewing point totals. Quiz questions and polls stimulate quick instructional decisions as well as whole-class discussion, but an open-ended response feature and/or the ability to mix together quiz, survey, and jumble question types in one game would be welcome to aid learning. Kahoot! can quickly become a go-to for teachers looking for an engaging way to run checks for understanding or exit tickets. Try establishing something like Kahoot! Fridays for quick review. If you don't have time to make quizzes, search millions of public Kahoots to play or remix. You could even have students take over the review process or class discussion by rotating responsibility for making the weekly quiz. Go beyond memorization of facts and allow Kahoot! to introduce scenario questions/prompts with multiple decisions; stimulate conversation from the results. Who's really responsible for the death of Romeo and Juliet? Kahoot! it out and extend the discussion to classrooms across the state or country. Don't forget professional development: Use the Team mode to pose pedagogical questions and promote food-for-thought discussions among teacher peers. Use Kahoot! to break the ice at the beginning of the school year or bond with learning-community members.


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