
Mayıs, 2019 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

QR Code to My Blog

What Is A QR Code? The QR Code is a two-dimensional version of the barcode, known from product packaging in the supermarket. Originally developed for process optimization in the logistics of the automotive industry, the QR Code has found its way into mobile marketing with the widespread adoption of smartphones. "QR" stands for "Quick Response", which refers to the instant access to the information hidden in the Code. QR Codes are gaining popularity because the technology is "open source", i.e. available for everyone. Significant advantages of QR Codes over conventional barcodes are larger data capacity and high fault tolerance.  The black and white checkered pixel patterns appear at first glance to be a small crossword puzzle and seem to be composed at random. But if you look closely, certain structures can be identified. For the scanner to recognize a QR Code as such, the Code must always be square. A number of additional elements ensure that the inf

My Coursera Certification

My Coursera Certification

Colors On Sutori

https://www.sutori.com/story/copy-of-vocabulary-activity--81G8WcJdV4SLUiGFmuHamRNn Sutori is an interactive teaching tool that lets users create story timelines that can include photos and documents. It gives users full control over how they present their topic with a variety of different options available for use. These different sections are then compiled into one page, essentially creating a full teaching module.  Before creating your first story, Sutori requires that you create an account. Sutori offers three different levels of accounts, however there is a “Sutori Essential” account for free. Sutori Essential allows you to add just images and text to your story. Essential also allows your students to work on story timelines together, giving them the option of working together in class or from home.The first of the paid subscriptions is Sutori Unlimited. When you first create your account, you will be given a free 30 day trial of the unlimited plan. With Unlimited, you will have

A Virtual Classroom

https://app.pixton.com/#/ If you are a teacher purchasing the account for just your students then you will have to buy a monthly account. The cost is adjusted for the number of students you have. The cost per student goes down as your number of students goes up. For 100 students, the cost is a little under $20 a month. If a school or district is purchasing the account, they are able to purchase an annual account for $1.75 per student. Pixton is accessible through any web browser and can be accessed on phones, tablets, and computers. Pixton offers a free app for smartphone or tablet use. The website does not specify if there is a preferred browser to use. Pixton is very easy to use. It is relatively intuitive when constructing comics because all of the icons have images indicating what they do. For example the icon with a face can be clicked to add a character. Similarly, click the icon with an picture on it to add a background image. The Pixton website has a tutorial that runs t

Storybird Activation

What Is Storybird? It's easy to imagine using Storybird as a free-write station, to prompt various writing tasks, or as a platform for peer workshopping. With a bit of creativity, storytelling can also be linked to a variety of school subjects, including history, science, and even math. Follow the developer-created monthly challenges that inspire students to think about different narrative techniques, a particular illustration, and more. Or, use the guides or interactive courses to lead your students through learning something new about writing. These curriculum guides and courses  are $4.99 per students and offer structured lessons and activities as well as some extra bonus features (e.g. more challenges and stickers) for students. Note that at the time of this review this section of the site had quite a few broken links, so make sure to verify that these are still available. With a free classroom account, teachers can create assignments, and review and comment on submitted s

A Small Literature Activity on Nearpod

NEARPOD Teachers can use Nearpod to support student learning in a variety of ways. Give students opportunities for interaction and immediate feedback by having them draw on a map or diagram, respond to a poll question, post a note or image to a collaboration board, or take a multiple-choice quiz. Bring the world to your classroom by taking kids on a virtual field trip to a national park or a different country. Help students review key learning concepts by watching videos, reviewing notes, or taking their own notes. Let kids design their own slideshows and teach each other. Incorporate social and emotional learning (SEL) and digital citizenship skills with pre-created lessons on empathy, cyberbullying, or Internet safety.  https://np1.nearpod.com/presentation.php?id=42376805 Whether students label planets in the solar system, respond to a poll question on climate change, watch a video on how to find the volume of a cylinder, review notes on the different parts of speech, or sub

Mindmeister Draft

https://www.mindmeister.com/1261485432?t=Dq7zSEwqFG MindMeister: a powerful, cloud-based mind mapping tool It helps individuals and teams in schools and businesses to visually capture, nurture, and share ideas. It’s a reliable collaborative tool that offers impressive graphical techniques to help users brainstorm, create project plans, take notes, manage meetings, and perform other creative tasks online. The platform is OS-agnostic which means it allows users to access mind maps inside the web-browser whether they are working on Linux, Windows, Mac OS, Android, or IOS devices. This is a reliable information visualization tool that provides a flourishing, shared environment where users in different places can collaborate and solve problems in real-time. Students can work together on the mind maps from school, home, and on the go to impeccably link their homework and classroom activities. Some of its notable features include mind map editor, history mode, import & exports, m

A Biography on Voki

http://tinyurl.com/yyr526x8 Voki  enables you to create an avatar in your own voice using a talking character. You can customize your Voki to look like you or take on the identity of different characters such as animals, monsters. Here’s ideas for using Vokis in your classroom (courtesy  Helen Otway  –  Classroom2.0) : Students can create avatars that are similar in looks or personalities and record a message that tells about themselves. Students can exchange these avatars with e-pals either within their own setting or anywhere in the world. Students can generate questions to ask their avatar e-pals. ESL (English as a Second Language) students can use the speaking avatars to practice and listen to their speech. They may use the computerised voice first then record their own voice when they feel more comfortable. Writing, reading and pronunciation are all practised. Students can create an avatar that resembles a character from a story, add a setting and give it speech. The

Jobs For Elementary School Children on Canva

https://www.canva.com/design/DADY7FNQQ9M/Hcf_fKO3YlZsENX4_aAeTw/view?presentation One of the best new features of Canva is the ability to work with a team and add different levels for people: administrators, template designers, and members. This is great for large and small businesses or for working with a designer. This allows people to add templates for you without having to email links back and forth.

Top 5 Places To Visit in Norway through Quizlet

https://quizlet.com/_6kxiqw Quizlet As a Functional Learning Tool! Quizlet is an online database of nearly 300 million study sets created by students and teachers. Data sets include both text-based and visual study materials. The range of topics covered on Quizlet is pretty amazing. Students can remix existing sets or create their own. For each study set, Quizlet offers up to nine study activities, including matching and fill-in-the-blank games and timed quizzes. Adaptive learning technology helps students study effectively by offering more difficult questions as mastery increases.  If you need to memorize facts, Quizlet is your tool. Encourage students to use Quizlet on their own time as homework or to create their own custom flash card sets for Quizlet Live competitions. You might also encourage your students to create flash card decks to share with the class; this could be a nice way to help students collaborate as they prepare for a cumulative exam or an AP test.  Unlike with

A Kahoot Quiz For ELT Students

https://create.kahoot.it/share/english-grammar/b1cb2f9d-2833-41be-84cb-736c9966e902 How to Teach Using Kahoot! With Kahoot!, teachers and students can create multiple-choice quizzes as well as polls and surveys. You can also incorporate questions that don't award points so that you can gather opinion data, or include a question with multiple correct answers without skewing point totals. Quiz questions and polls stimulate quick instructional decisions as well as whole-class discussion, but an open-ended response feature and/or the ability to mix together quiz, survey, and jumble question types in one game would be welcome to aid learning.  Kahoot! can quickly become a go-to for teachers looking for an engaging way to run checks for understanding or exit tickets. Try establishing something like Kahoot! Fridays for quick review. If you don't have time to make quizzes, search millions of public Kahoots to play or remix. You could even have students take over the review process

A Student Activity On Seesaw

What Is Seesaw? Students can show their work and thought processes in real time by submitting a video of themselves working through a math problem, snapping a picture of a paragraph they wrote, recording themselves reading a poem, or uploading a file to demonstrate their learning. Encourage kids to submit a series of images along with notes that tell the story that connects them. Or let kids collaborate with each other using peer-to-peer feedback to offer suggestions on writing content, scientific hypotheses, or creative ideas. https://app.seesaw.me/#/activities/library?my_activities Teachers at all grade levels and across all content areas can use Seesaw to keep digital portfolios of student work, including commenting on student submissions. You can communicate with families easily and share student work with them, or push out assignments to students to individualize instruction. You can also choose work to share with a broader audience via a blog. Is It Good For Learners?

5 Ways To Learn Vocabulary On Padlet

  https://padlet.com/bayikburcu/e197bhq1obti What Is Padlet? Padlet is a website and app that allows kids to curate information onto virtual bulletin boards using a simple drag-and-drop system. Students can start with a template or a blank page and add videos, text, links, documents, images -- basically anything -- to the wall and organize it, like a page full of Post-it notes. Kids can add as many notes to a wall as they like; it scrolls in all directions. Teachers can opt to turn on profanity filters, comments, and voting features for more collaboration without the worry of inappropriate language. As added checks, teachers can moderate all posts or require that students display their names on the board. Padlet is a website and app that allows kids to curate information onto virtual bulletin boards using a simple drag-and-drop system. Students can start with a template or a blank page and add videos, text, links, documents, images -- basically anything -- to the wall and or